Tuesday, March 18, 2008

St. John Bosco

The work of the SOLT Haiti Mission is largely based on the thoughts and works of St. John Bosco. Here are some thoughts about the Saint:
John Bosco educated the whole person—body and soul united. He believed that Christ’s love and our faith in that love should pervade everything we do—work, study, play. For John Bosco, being a Christian was a full-time effort, not a once-a-week, Mass-on-Sunday experience. It is searching and finding God and Jesus in everything we do, letting their love lead us. Yet, John realized the importance of job-training and the self-worth and pride that comes with talent and ability so he trained his students in the trade crafts, too.

“Every education teaches a philosophy; if not by dogma then by suggestion, by implication, by atmosphere. Every part of that education has a connection with every other part. If it does not all combine to convey some general view of life, it is not education at all” (G.K. Chesterton, The Common Man).

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Clothing Donation

A local uniform retailer donated over 5000 lbs. of brand new clothing, (mostly the desperately needed childrens school uniforms). Volunteers Tom and Lois flew to Louisiana from Minnesota, loaded up a rental truck and drove the goods back up to MN where they are filling a shipping container with various supplies to ship to Haiti. Louisiana Volunteer Sue says: "before leaving to pick up the truck, we were speaking of the most important needs of the mission and Lois was mentioning that children's clothes were the most needed items, because most of the time the donated clothing is adult sizes. When we arrived at the Clothing Retailers warehouse, we asked what most of the boxes contained and they said - CHILDREN'S CLOTHES! - We were so excited! skirts, pants, shirts - over 5000 lbs of fresh new clothing!"